Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Official Guide for the First Days of School


School is starting soon all over the country and with the help of some of my students @ Kids R Kids I came up with some unwritten (until now) rules and guidelines for the first days of school!

1. Elementary School
K-1 Just be ready to learn a lot and have fun!!
2-3 Reading and Math is going to be very important take time out to focus on these subjects, that is going to give you the best chance to survive these grades!
4-5 For this age group I have some important tips on handing the first days of school;
   * Don't talk to much on the first few days, everyone will be a chatter box about what happened over the summer so u wanna just sit back and listen, this also gives off the impression that you've grown up a little over the summer!
   * Tip: If the chairs in you classroom are seated n rows and columns try and sit in either the front row or along the sides and avoid the middle. Why? The front and sides provide some freedom from other students, and u don't wanna be surround in each direction by other kids. Also studies show that students in the front earn better grades. Teachers sometimes view students in the back as troublemakers so u wanna stay away from all that. Ya Dig!
One last tip for All Elementary students... If you can bring tennis shoes to school and use them for recess so u don’t tear up you cool new shoes!!!
2. Middle School

Firsts things First don’t be a follower, how lame is that. Be yourself at all times even if others "think" its uncool at first. A lot of middle schoolers do what ever they can to try to fit in and forget that who they ARE is enough to help them stand out!

Girls: No BFF's!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I know sounds like a lot but not having an Official BFF is the best way to stay out of petty drama. Its best to make friends with different girls in different age groups with different backgrounds. Now u can have a best friend or two I know all girls need them but try not to become associated with one friend to the point were people treat u as one, it's best to maintain individuality! Ya Feel me!
* Quick Note: Don’t over decorate you locker and few pics here and there and a mirror should do, remember its a locker not a Scrap book!!!

Boy: Avoid the childish games like Hallway tag, spitballs etc!! Why? You wanna seem cooler and more mature then these games and let the others kids do that stuff! Instead of bugging girls that u like just say hi once or twice or drop a compliment here or there and leave it at that. Being annoying gets you no where fast!
The Biggest thing is...DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUTSTANTES BRING YOUR POKEMON CARDS, YU-GI-OH, BEY BLADES,OR NINTENDO DS TO SCHOOL!!!!! Not only is it not allowed in most schools any way but its not cool to have at school. I’m not saying that these games and toys are not cool but its just better to leave them at home now that you're in middle school.

Cell Phones: Now most schools have there own cell phone rules and of course you should follow them, however here is one more. Try to keep the people who have your number low. No more the 2 people should have you number in the first few days and weeks of school.

Take these Guidelines and use them and you'll have a great opening to the brand new school year!!! Holla